Do you love your job?
Do you love your boss?
Do you love your responsibilities?
Do you love getting interrupted by new opportunities that could benefit the company you work for?
Are you going to love the outcome?
A little love goes a long way, especially in Business. Most people are similar, not the same, but very similar. They will take the same road/decision/opportunities that were taken by the person sitting in the role before them or the year before. They will take few new leads, enter few new conversations, reply to few inbound emails providing new opportunities and take few risks (let alone, merely understanding the opportunity that was given to them). Why? Well why not, more often than not it’s not their company (and never will be), it’s not their money, and they don’t love the outcome.
Everyone in a similar position is acting very similar to you- And because of this there is an opportunity to do something different and DO SOMETHING!
There are very few people in the Business landscape that are open minded, that DON’T believe they know it all, that admit when something needs to be fixed-even if it isn’t broken (yet!)
Here is a thought; If your consumers acted the same way you do when you launch or offer a new product, where would your company be?
A risk is safe- a risk an opportunity- an opportunity is an operation on your company.
n.b. 'Banksy' image displayed above.
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