Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Social Media in full swing on traditional media's

I was listening to the radio the other night and the hosts were saying how Twitter have announced that celebrities need to be accepted and validated by Twitter to launch their Twitter profile if you are celebrity. This is to stop imposter celebrity accounts been set up.

I turned the radio off and checked this out on my friends Iphone. It turns out to be true.

I was watching TV the other day and the host was talking about how he had a Facebook Fan page dedicated to him. You would feel pretty good about yourself if you had a fan page dedicated to you or your brand wouldn’t you?

I turned the TV off and went to go check out if Mr Cicada had a fan page. Go on, check if your brand has one.

It’s quite interesting how when I’m watching TV and listening to the Radio (traditional media's) online social media is still in full swing. Radio and TV are a free media that is covered by the selling of ‘space’ in the form of advertisements. From an advertising perscpective 'online' is a very dangerous competitor so much so that its ironically getting a helping hand from the traditional media's by plugging it so frequently. -Keep your friends close and your enemies closer I suppose.

p.s. I hope the brands that were advertising on these stations were also running a social media campaign as well or they just got seriously stung.

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