A good friend was moving into his new house, I offered to help him so he could finish the job in good time and we could head down the coast for a few nights- this never happened.
Most people I know, for the better parts of their employment make reasonable amounts of money in positions where they are required to void themselves of emotion.
It is fair to say that the high earning positions in the business world require limited emotion when in work mode- a very calculated and measured mode. They make the decisions based on in depth analyses, statistics, facts and forecasts etc- emotion very rarely plays a part.
The majority of people assume a similar disposition with their day to day occupations. This is a good thing…until people start spending their hard earned cold hearted dollars.
Money should be used with the same attitude that it was acquired- calculated and measured.
So often people make purchases, investments and take on liabilities with an emotional mindset. So often people spend their money on things that they do not need and over time these things will only gather dust.
This is the role of the great marketer/advertiser- To play the consumer off against their needs and wants.
The great consumer earns and spends money with similar mindsets to avoid a life of dusting but we all know this already, don’t we?
My friend certainly does now after taking 3 long days to move his dust covered belongings 2km down the road.
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